Wednesday, September 13, 2006

While many Red state and even Blue state farmers support Bush and the Republicans...

While many Red state and even Blue state farmers support Bush and the Republicans, the fact is that they could care less for the farmers because they get a significant chunk of campaign finance change from the pockets of big agri-biz companies like Con Agra and ADM. Lets not forget the Farm Bureau who according to (a project of Defenders of Wildlife) works as front to mobilize rural farm folks to defend issues that are most dearest to the very people that are putting them out of business!

Interestingly while often denigrated in rural areas (and not just in the red states look at upstate NY and Hillary Clinton’s struggles there), many liberals actually support organic farmers by going to Whole Foods, Trader Joe's and other health food stores. The rapid rise of the organic food industry is helping to reverse the demise of the American small farmer. The result is that many small farmers are now out-competing big business and developing ways of producing food that are less harmful to humans and the environment.

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