Sunday, May 23, 2010

War Exists for a Reason: Don't Fight It

War Exists for a Reason: Don't Fight It. Instead Focus on being the Change...

I recently was browsing the AVAAZ website/blog and I found something about the endless war in the Middle East: "Mid-East Peace: The Real Story."

So just what is the real story anyhow? For me it is a story of people making a problem bigger by getting their nose in something that is really not their business. I think by our actions of making this local issue a global one we actually magnify the potential of this problem so that it is now much greater than it would otherwise be, had we not had so many years of peace efforts, news reports, talks and envoys. Yes I am concerned about Mid-East peace, but my thought is that peace should be a process of encouraging people to evolve towards a higher consciousness way of dealing with life. So how can you be for peace when their is no inner peace inside of you - when you are like a cork that is ready to be popped?

Peace is not something we can buy at the store or the so called marketplace of ideas if we save up enough money. Maybe praying helps but it is really about human consciousness and our ability to transcend the caveman reality of pounding someone into the ground who we disagree with.

Indeed how do we as the supposed peacemakers come to grips with the reality that majority of the world's people regardless of what they say or have said in the past do not want peace.

Because peace is not a political/intellectual statement or slogan, it is a spiritual commitment that you can only build within your heart. However, we have been taught to see it in political terms and thus we constantly put the cart before the horse in terms of trying to force peace on a humanity that is not ready to live in a peaceful way.

Pragmatically we have struggled with this in the sense of trying frantically to make people understand the importance of peace and yet we do this as we struggle as human beings in considering how we might act if someone forces us out of our peaceful mode by their belligerent actions.

War exists for a reason and it has a vital necessity in our lives (I am speaking collectively in relation to the shared human reality), because we have given and continue to give it that power in our lives. Until we can persuasively make the case for another alternative model of living and thinking and being, we cannot expect there to be real change in the status quo. Having said that, we need to use the political mechanisms as best we can to make our dedication to a peaceful life and perspective - a more common approach to the world's conflicts. So how do we rethink current progressive approaches to social change, sustainable development and peace-building...because they don't appear to be really working towards the change we are seeking in our lives.

Thanks to all of you for the effort and good intent in helping us to overcome the madness of current nonfunctional/dysfunctional public policies at the international level that only fuel misunderstanding, resentment and WAR.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Lucrative Race to Arm the ProGun Right

For those of you who think we are not moving towards some battle in the USA take a look at this: